A Nagging Question...
So. There has been a question/wondering floating around me that is driving me nuts. So, I am thinking maybe it would be fun to see what bloggers think (especially theologically minded ones).
I am wondering about the relational dynamics between God and angels and humans. If God's Spirit is everywhere and meets with us directly, what does he need or use angels for? Why have them? I mean NO disrespect to angels; I am just really wondering why they are there and why does God send them sometimes and sometimes do things Himself... this is really bugging me...
What do you think?
Nagging question . . . why do you like the book "Heidi"?
I'm kind of with Jessie... I think God delights in delegation... allowing His creation to participate in His purposes... Plus, He certainly deserves to be surrounded by beings that exist solely to worship and glorify him. Far more so than Sean "Puffy" Combs, and look at HIS entourage...
And then, of course, there's that whole no-man-can-see-God-and-live thing... I can see where a smite-free intermediary may come in handy.
Great dialogue!
I have absolutely no idea... but I love that you asked. Sometimes it's the question that stirs up life.
I agree with Jessie and Jeff, this dialogue has further pinpointed the question for me. It seems more like this, I think: I understand the role of angels in the Old Testament, but since the Holy Spirit lives within us now, and God's presence touches us and we still live, how does God use angels now? When I am in prayer, is the the Spirit ministering to me or angels? This means a lot to me right now, because I want to be ministered to, directly, by the Father and it feels far off if it is angels. I do not know if this makes any sense. But I am basically wondering how God determines to send angels or his Spirit directly... and who can answer that, but God... I just wondered what theological answers there might be that might shed some light for me!! Thank you for responding!!
Sleeping with Bread: I want to answer your question about Heidi; I am just trying to figure out a concise way to do it. (I have a hard time with being too wordy!!)
Please keep checking...
OK -- I guess I've got nothing theological on that distinction, but I have a gut feeling...
While it sounds entirely too PC, I do think there's truth that God delights in variety, in differences. And I think that extends beyond just the nature of creatures and includes ways of relating as well. Direct influence of the Spirit, the ministry of angels, the skin-to-skin ministry of the body, the shaping force of language in books and blogs and conversation and prayer, and the list goes on.
Maybe sometimes, He uses all of the above. Maybe He knows that my heart is confused, that I'm in danger of writing off the direct word of the Spirit as my own wishful thinking and need external leverage to move forward. Maybe it's just all up to Him.
My heart KNOWS that He knows what I need and will provide it. My experience seems to indicate that the means of that provision are seldom what I ask for or expect or even plan for. And that keeps me dependent. In the end, I get what I need. No matter what glove He puts on, it's always His hand that's providing.
I'm not sure that gets any closer to your question, but it's my two cents...
Thank you!! Especially for the picture of whatever glove, it is His Hand.
Thank you for staying in this and giving me your ideas. Like I said, this is one of those "unanswerable" things, I have just found myself wondering about it and was wondering what others thought! Thanks!!
Have you seen the movie "Constantine?" We just rented it last night. I'm not recommending it, mostly because Keanu Reeves can't act worth snot. But, (how's this for taking your theology from Hollywood?!) the movie projects angels and demons as involved in this battle to influence the world for each of their respective kingdoms. Just like demons can't read our thoughts, neither can angels, but they can influence events toward one end or another. They are God's agents in the world just as we are, only they have abilities that our fallen selves do not.
I feel like I need to say that there were a lot of theological errors in "Constantine." I merely wanted to reference the idea.
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