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Sunday, July 24, 2005


Whoah. I've hit a funk. I have hit a blog block and just writing this is my trying to break it. I have been reading other's blogs and their comments and I have wanted to comment a lot; but then, somehow I just can't. And now I am finding myself lacking courage to blog period. So. Here is my attempt to break it. I hope it works.


At 3:15 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

You could take "Pray as you can, not as you can't" and modify it..."Blog as you can, not as you can't!"

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Grandma and Grandpa Benson said...

Jaime . . . I totally get this! I would way rather read your blog than blog myself . . . thank you for this!

At 6:10 PM, Blogger jeffmacsimus said...

they're both so right -- as I found myself saying once already today, wordlessness can be good. Resort to force only if you feel called to it... speaking or silent, we enjoy you.

At 4:54 AM, Blogger eija said...

I've been reading the blogs of this great "Minnesota blogger community" for the whole weekend. And I've enjoyed so much!

I think with the blogging block a good solution is the same one that works also for the every-day-Christianity:
Don't try. Stop trying, and God will give it to you. You just need to listen to Him.

Yeah, a somewhat bitter medicine. But many times I've seen it to work.

But, sometimes it just is good to have a break!

Blessings from eija
Journal invisible
Scenes from God's World

At 7:55 AM, Blogger gloria said...

I know that you are being serious and that I should take you seriously... but...
I think that it is so funny how many blogs I check on every day that haven't added a new blog for MONTHS! It's only been four days since your last blog!
To me this speaks of your commitment and your desire concerning this community and I am grateful for it. But know that I will check on you every time I am here - even if you take months to blog again. :)

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Jaime G said...

It's not so much how often, it is more like fear. I have things well up in my heart and then they all shove into the bottle neck of writing and I choke... and I find myself self conscious of what everyone will think of "this" or "that". I worry about leaving comments and if the person will understand my heart...

It's more that type of thing.


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