"With a
listening heart that is
both supple and receptive be open (daughter) to the words of an
experienced father who lovingly offers you the wisdom gained throughout many years.This Lord has Himself given us the
time and space necessary to learn and put into practice the service of love that He continues to teach us. In this school of His let us hope that following faithfully His instructions nothing distasteful nor burdensome will be demanded of us,
but if it has to be so in order to overcome our egoism and lead us into the depths of true love, let us not become disheartened, nor frightened and so ignore the narrow path in spite of its tight entrance -- that path which leads directly to the fullness of life."The Prologue, Rule of St. Benedictquoted in "Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict" by Esther De WaalMy heart is chewing on these words... chewing and wondering...